Instructor: Kirk Lyman
Class Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday 6:30 pm – 9:20 pm
Credit Hours: (6 lab hours)
Course Location: McAninch Arts Center – 257
Course Description
Course is an exploration of graphic design through the integration of typography and imagery; to include planning, conceptualization, and creation through the management of content for a variety of projects. Major themes include: contrast and fusion of graphic form, text/image collage, hierarchy, grid systems, and extended layouts. Critiques and discussions will entail creation of professional work including traditional structures of books, catalogs, magazines, and brochures. Emphasizes the use of Adobe InDesign in creating projects.
Course Objectives
Upon successful completion of the course the student should be able to do the following:
1. Review, analyze, and assess the graphic style of historical and contemporary layout design
2. Plan and develop a creative brief for design projects
3. Create thumbnail layout concepts and refine into rough comprehensive designs
4. Develop and edit content for design projects
5. Create designs using computers, software, and peripherals
6. Demonstrate proficiency in layout design
7. Create layout grids for a variety of communication design projects
8. Combine and organize type and image successfully through the application of design principles
9. Create and construct design comprehensives and mockups for presentation
10. Review and analyze completed layout designs through group critique presentation
8 Week Lecture, Discussion and Project Outline
(Week of 8/23/10 through 10/18/10) Below is the tentative course outline for lecture, discussion and projects schedule.
Wk 1
Classroom lecture and discussion; Review of design and type fundamentals
Project 1 – Design Blog – 8 week project to be grade at end of course.
Project 2 – Homage Piece (10” x 10”) Start
Wk 2
Project 1 Due – Critique (8/31/10)
Lecture and Discussion: Document setup and type formatting using InDesign
Project 2 Type Formatting Exercise (10” x 16”) Start
Wk 3
Project 2 Due – Critique (9/07/10)
Lecture and Discussion: Mulitple page documents and use of Character and
Stylesheets in InDesign
Project 3 – Menu Design (size variable) Start
Wk 4
Project 3 – Lab
Discussion and Lecture: Image creation using Illustrator and Photoshop
Project 3 Due – Critique (9/16/10)
Wk 5
Project 4 – Travel Brochure Start
Project 4 – Lab
Wk 6
Travel Brochure Due – Critque (9/28/10)
Project 5 – Design Magazine Cover and Spread Start
Project 5 – Lab
Wk 7
Project 5 Due – Critique (10/05/10)
Project 6 – Final Project – Open project to be determined
Final Project Lab
Wk 8
Final Project 6 Lab
Final Project 6 Due – Critique (10/14/10)
Final Blog Entries due for grading (10/18/10)